Essential Tips for Buying Almonds

Most people believe that almonds are nuts, but they are edible seeds. Although almonds are native to the Middle East, India, and North Africa, Australia remains the second-largest global producer of the edible seeds. While Australia's exports account for a massive chunk of all almonds produced in the country, it is irrefutable that Aussies love their homegrown almonds. It can be attributed to the broad application of almonds, primarily in new products. Therefore, if you are looking for almonds, you should find the best. This article highlights tips for selecting quality almonds.

Shake Well Before Buying -- "Shake well before use" is a common phrase you hear from physicians or pharmacists when buying medicine. Well, it is also an important tip when purchasing shelled almonds. Notably, almonds tend to turn rancid as they age, which can hurt the flavour of whatever you are making. Sadly, most people find it difficult to tell whether the shelled almonds they are holding in their hands are fresh or not. To avoid selecting and buying rancid almonds for domestic use, ensure the seeds pass the shake test. Pick a few almonds from the pile you want to purchase and give each a good shake. If most almonds rattle, it is a sign they are going rancid. However, if the almonds remain quiet as you shake them, they are fresh and worth buying.

Match Almonds Type to Preference -- Almond suppliers sell their seeds in various forms. Some suppliers sell their almonds whole, while others sell them unshelled, sliced, or halved. Notably, the almonds you buy depend on how you plan to use them in your dishes. For instance, if you are a busy cook and use almonds in most of your dishes, you should avoid whole and shelled seeds. The reason is that preparing such almonds takes a bit of time, prolonging meal preparation time. If you are a busy cook, go for sliced or diced almonds since they are perfect for adding to a recipe. On the other hand, whole, shelled almonds are ideal when you want the freshest flavour in food.

Do Not Avoid the Skin -- Besides sliced and whole almonds, you can also find blanched and raw ones. Blanched almonds have their skin removed and are usually sold in polythene bags. Conversely, whole almonds have the skin intact. Most people prefer to remove the skin during meal preparations because they find it bitter. However, almond skin can add a pleasantly unique flavour to your meals. Therefore, you should first try whole raw almonds before deciding to remove the skin. Look into a bulk almond supplier for more information.
